Monday, June 16, 2008

...And we're back.

After an 13 month hiatus from blogging I'm finally joining the online world again. A lot has happened in that time... I finished my trip in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam... packed up and went to India, Nepal, and Turkey (featured in Traveller magazine)... returned to Seattle and then drove across the country through the Southwest to Santa Fe, New Mexico for a photography workshop with Dan Westergren (Senior Photo Editor for National Geographic Traveler) and Jim Richardson (veteran National Geographic photographer). I made some wonderful friends there. After the Southwest, I ventured to Colorado to the Great Sand Dunes National Monument with my friend Kennley (where we shot some amazing photographs).

Winter in Seattle meant that it was time for my annual pilgrimage to Lake Charles, Louisiana to visit my Dad and to Steamboat Springs, Colorado to visit my Mom. After returning to the gray and drizzly Northwest, I packed up once more and set out for the Philippines for a month to shoot another story for Traveller magazine. It is an incredible place with the clearest water that I've ever experienced (blog entry to come).

Upon returning, I made another quick trip to Louisiana to shoot some of the rural culture there (an ongoing project of mine). This time I was able to venture deep into the swampland of southern Louisiana along the Intercoastal Waterway, the Old Spanish Trail, and River Road (home to some of the last remaining plantations in their original condition). To say that I met some "characters" is quite an understatement. After catching 93 catfish in one afternoon, a successful wild boar hunt, photographing alligators from 36" away, and visiting the Tabasco factory on a 250 acre nature preserve, I can safely say that I was able to capture the "flavor" of Louisiana.